Friday, July 20, 2012

Japanese guys can fish!!!

This post is very special as we have many new records set this past week. Shinataro and Yasuda came up for a 3 day package looking for 1 or 2 trophy Brook Trout. They had told me before coming that they only wanted to cast lures all day and try new baits. They showed up with fancy gear and many pretty lures. My question was did they know how to use this stuff? On day 1, we caught 9 Brookies with 2 over 22". On day 2, we caught 11 Brookies with 2 over 23".  On day 3, we caught 28 Brookies (4) were mine. They caught 24 and we had a whopping 7 over 22" with 23.5 being the biggest. Day 3 set 2 new records with me. Most fish in a day. Most fish over 22 inches in 1 day (7). And not only can they fish but they can take amazing photos as well. They have set another record with me as these pictures are all from them and I have always used my pics for the Blog. You guys were great with the fish and I want to thank you for pinching your barbs so tight and trying to use single hooks only on your baits( instead of a three prong ).  Well I hope that you learned something from me as I learned something from you guys. Japanese Guys can fish!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the pics. Thanks Guys!!!!

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Friday, July 6, 2012

wild hogs

Well another trip has gone by and we did well. I had Kendall and Jeff from Wisconsin who came for a 3 day camping trip. I want you guys to know I bought new tents yesterday.Ha ha. We caught 21 Brook Trout with 2 over 22 inches.Kendall caught a solid 23 incher with a 15 inch girth. This fish was over 6lbs maybe 7lb. Jeff also had a big fish. 20 inches long but 16 inches around over 5lbs wow!!!!! These guys were great to guide and I am glad you had a good time despite having to switch tents ha ha !!! I will see you next year.
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