Sunday, August 26, 2012

Girl Power !!!!!!!!!

Well I must admit that another record has been broken and this time by a Woman from Michigan. Dick and Jane are regulars who have caught several trophy Brook Trout in the last few years with me and Jane has a reputation for catching really big ones. This pattern has continued as once again Jane has set a new record with my customers Having caught 3 over 24 inches in 1 day!!!!  She had a 24", 24.5", 24.75" WOW!!!!!!!    
Over the 3 day trip she ended up with 6 over 23 inches way to go Jane!!! Jane is also holding down the top 3 biggest for all of my customers this year as she caught a 24.5' Brookie in the Spring as well. Dick also caught fish and he caught a 23 incher and no picture. We ended up with 29 fish over 3 days and I only caught 3 of them (1 per day) Ha Ha. I want to thank you for being so good to me and I will see you soon. There is no pictures of men here in this post because girl power ruled for sure!!!!

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Vacation, Customers, Tournaments

Well it has been awhile since my last post. I took my Family on a 8 night camping trip on Lake Nipigon and we had fun for sure. I caught a 25.5 inch Brook trout the 1st day it had a 16inch girth. We caught 26 Brookies with 9 over 22". We saw many different animals on our trip including a Cow Moose with twin calves. We also had to rescue a Vole that jumped out of the boat and into the River as he was in the boat looking for food and we fetched him out of the water and brought him to shore.I then guided a Regular customer and Tory did well. We caught 13 Brookies with 5 over 22" Tory caught a solid 23.5 incher. We also did good Walleye fishing and he out fished me on one of the days!!!! Way to go!!!.   I also fished the Kapuskasing River Walleye Tournament with my 8 year old Son. we had a good time and finished 44th out of 78 teams. It was a small but skilled field as this is part of the NOWT one of the biggest walleye trails in Canada. Way to go Simeon!!!!  I have lost my camera and had to buy a new one. There are no pictures for my customer or from the Kap tournament. Sorry. Maybe somehow we will get it back.
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