Friday, October 12, 2012

Well it has been a month now since the Brook Trout season closed but I wanted to wait until now to tell this story so Ray could stay in the spotlight with his big fish. I took my family out for the last 2 days of the season and I ended up matching my personal best Brook Trout and it was the last fish we caught. I managed to hook and land a 25.75 inch Brookie that was 8lbs plus and my son Simeon netted the fish for me way to go Sim!!!! I would like to thank all of my customers from 2012 and I look forward to seeing most of you again next year. Have a great Fall and have a Merry CHRISTmas.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What a way to end the season........

Well I did my last Brook Trout guide of the year and what a way to end the season. I had 3 guys from Toronto Who came to Nipigon to try and catch a trophy Brook Trout. Ray booked the trip and brought John and Harvey with him. Ray had a hope of catching 1 Brookie over 5 lbs, well he did that and  more!!!!

They came for 6 days and the first 2 days of fishing were tough as we only put 1 fish in the boat each day. I suggested that we go Walleye fishing because the Brookies were not biting and they declined as they would rather try and get the big one. The fishing did pick up on day 3 and we put 7 in the boat and ended up with 17 Brookies at the end of their trip. Ray ended with 6 Brookies for the trip and 3 over 5lbs!!!!!! Can you believe the numbers as I told him on the phone it is not about how many we catch but how big of a fish you can get is what counts. The real story here is that Ray and his group ended up being my last customers for the season and Ray ended up with the biggest fish of the year out of all my customers. His biggest was a 25 incher just over 7lbs way to go Ray!!!!!! John and Harvey also caught some nice fish as well. I really enjoyed their company and conversations in the boat. This group was an easy guide for me as they were fun to fish with and easy to talk to as we had many things in common. I look forward to seeing you guys again and thank you very much for giving me a great way to end my season. Enjoy the pics!!!!!!!!
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Yeah baby see the smile!!!!!

Here is Ron and Kevin who are regulars here on the blog with some of their Brookies.Ron caught the biggest at 23 inches and it was well over 5lbs. Kevin also caught one close to or about 5lbs as well. they were camping with me and we had some good weather and fun times . See you next year and Ron maybe even sooner !!!!!!

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Girl Power !!!!!!!!!

Well I must admit that another record has been broken and this time by a Woman from Michigan. Dick and Jane are regulars who have caught several trophy Brook Trout in the last few years with me and Jane has a reputation for catching really big ones. This pattern has continued as once again Jane has set a new record with my customers Having caught 3 over 24 inches in 1 day!!!!  She had a 24", 24.5", 24.75" WOW!!!!!!!    
Over the 3 day trip she ended up with 6 over 23 inches way to go Jane!!! Jane is also holding down the top 3 biggest for all of my customers this year as she caught a 24.5' Brookie in the Spring as well. Dick also caught fish and he caught a 23 incher and no picture. We ended up with 29 fish over 3 days and I only caught 3 of them (1 per day) Ha Ha. I want to thank you for being so good to me and I will see you soon. There is no pictures of men here in this post because girl power ruled for sure!!!!

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Vacation, Customers, Tournaments

Well it has been awhile since my last post. I took my Family on a 8 night camping trip on Lake Nipigon and we had fun for sure. I caught a 25.5 inch Brook trout the 1st day it had a 16inch girth. We caught 26 Brookies with 9 over 22". We saw many different animals on our trip including a Cow Moose with twin calves. We also had to rescue a Vole that jumped out of the boat and into the River as he was in the boat looking for food and we fetched him out of the water and brought him to shore.I then guided a Regular customer and Tory did well. We caught 13 Brookies with 5 over 22" Tory caught a solid 23.5 incher. We also did good Walleye fishing and he out fished me on one of the days!!!! Way to go!!!.   I also fished the Kapuskasing River Walleye Tournament with my 8 year old Son. we had a good time and finished 44th out of 78 teams. It was a small but skilled field as this is part of the NOWT one of the biggest walleye trails in Canada. Way to go Simeon!!!!  I have lost my camera and had to buy a new one. There are no pictures for my customer or from the Kap tournament. Sorry. Maybe somehow we will get it back.
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Japanese guys can fish!!!

This post is very special as we have many new records set this past week. Shinataro and Yasuda came up for a 3 day package looking for 1 or 2 trophy Brook Trout. They had told me before coming that they only wanted to cast lures all day and try new baits. They showed up with fancy gear and many pretty lures. My question was did they know how to use this stuff? On day 1, we caught 9 Brookies with 2 over 22". On day 2, we caught 11 Brookies with 2 over 23".  On day 3, we caught 28 Brookies (4) were mine. They caught 24 and we had a whopping 7 over 22" with 23.5 being the biggest. Day 3 set 2 new records with me. Most fish in a day. Most fish over 22 inches in 1 day (7). And not only can they fish but they can take amazing photos as well. They have set another record with me as these pictures are all from them and I have always used my pics for the Blog. You guys were great with the fish and I want to thank you for pinching your barbs so tight and trying to use single hooks only on your baits( instead of a three prong ).  Well I hope that you learned something from me as I learned something from you guys. Japanese Guys can fish!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the pics. Thanks Guys!!!!

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Friday, July 6, 2012

wild hogs

Well another trip has gone by and we did well. I had Kendall and Jeff from Wisconsin who came for a 3 day camping trip. I want you guys to know I bought new tents yesterday.Ha ha. We caught 21 Brook Trout with 2 over 22 inches.Kendall caught a solid 23 incher with a 15 inch girth. This fish was over 6lbs maybe 7lb. Jeff also had a big fish. 20 inches long but 16 inches around over 5lbs wow!!!!! These guys were great to guide and I am glad you had a good time despite having to switch tents ha ha !!! I will see you next year.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

more tournaments

Three straight walleye weekends for me and now it is time to take a rest. (ya right we are going fishing tonight) Any how my Son and I just competed in the Geraldton Walleye Classic and we had fun! We were in 48th place at the end of day 1 (there was 115 teams) I was happy with that. Day 2 was not so good for us and we finished in 69th place , but we got to pick a prize. I saw some old friends there and some of them did well. 3 teams from Wawa made the top 25 way to go guys! James Smedley made the top 5 congatulations !!!! My former partner from Nipigon also did well finishing in 48th which is where I would have liked to stay!!!! Way to go Joe and Joe jr!!!! I also had a guy from Longlac lend me hid GPS because I forgot my watch to tell time. Thanks Don!!! My Son was a true partner as he made a contribution to our fish count. Way to go Simeon!!! I almost forgot here is some hail left from a small but powerful storm cell that hit Nipigon late Friday afternoon.

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Big update........

Well I have been busy lately and will do a big post to catch up. First I took Vlad, Peter, Gregory out for a 1 day guide and we caught 4 Brookies, 2 Lakers, 1 Pike and a Whitefish.  The nice part was that 3 out of the 4 Brook Trout wre over 22 inches. 23, 23.5, 23.5 one of the 23.5 inch Brookies had a 16 inch girth. Solid fish!!!!!!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tournament time

Well my Dad and I fished the Frazer lake Walleye Classic and we came 17th. We could have made the top 10 but made a few mistakes, oh well we had a good day. Next was Dubreuilville Fathers Day Walleye Derby and I took my son with me. We stayed with 2 other teams. Dick & Harry and Rene & Dario. These guys were great and really showed us a good time. The Steaks were awsome and the camp was terrific. Both of these teams fared better than my Son and I and we hope to be back next year.  I am not sure but I think Dick and Harry might have made the top ten as I left early as my boy had school. Way to go guys and thanks!!!!

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

day trip

Well I took John and Marie from Pennsylvania on a day trip and John caught his first Lake Trout, it was 7 or 8 lbs. we managed 7 Brook Trout and 3 Lakers. It was nice meeting you and safe travels.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

RAIN & more Rain

Well this is a group that had seen plenty of rain over 4 days. we were camping and fishing in some of the worst and hardest rains I can remember. We still managed to get out fishing and did well with Walleye, Perch and some Pike. The Brook Trout fishing was slow as the water was high, but Dirk managed to catch a solid 22 incher with a 14 inch girth. Al and Dirk are Hardcore for sure as we travelled and fished in some "nasty" weather. We also saw 3 moose in 1 day. Thanks guys!!

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